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Visage to psychologiczny horror z perspektywy pierwszej osoby.

Eksploruj tajemniczy, nieustannie zmieniający się dom w powolnym, klimatycznym świecie, który łączy w sobie zarówno niesamowicie pocieszające, jak i przerażająco realistyczne otoczenie, i ciesz się prawdziwie przerażającym doświadczeniem.


Akcja gry toczy się w zacisznym miasteczku w latach 80.

ubiegłego wieku.

Dom, w którym się znajdujesz, stoi tam od wieków, a jego fundamenty nigdy nie niszczeją. Mieszkały tu dziesiątki rodzin. Wiele z nich zginęło brutalnie, podczas gdy inni żyli spokojnie w swoim ukochanym domu. Czy jest coś, co powoduje nieuniknione zgony, czy to czysty zbieg okoliczności?

Visage Instrukcje aktywacji

Visage Recenzje i oceny

Review by vova22379 [user]
1 sierpnia 2022


Review by Darker_Games [user]
21 lutego 2022

I normally don't write reviews, but Visage was different, so I felt obligated to write oneThe atmosphere and the vibe generally felt darkI normally don't write reviews, but Visage was different, so I felt obligated to write oneThe atmosphere and the vibe generally felt dark and depressing, maybe lonely, mix that with random events happening throughout the game and the sense that everything seems normal but isn't.The game also doesn't give you much to work with at first, that's maybe a bit confusing, but the game eventually unfolds itself, and it's worth pulling through with itVisage for me is psychological horror at its finest, and something no horror fan should miss out on

Review by Kiarash76 [user]
9 grudnia 2021

A must play for horror fans.If you are a hardcore fan of horror games or just horror in general, you must play this game. Overall, as a gameA must play for horror fans.If you are a hardcore fan of horror games or just horror in general, you must play this game. Overall, as a game it is a 7/10 kind of game, but for us die hard horror fans, it's a 1000/10, by far the best horror experience I've ever had

Review by TheKillerFries [user]
19 października 2021

Visage definitely has a lot going for it; the atmosphere is solid, the story is really interesting, and there's an ever-present sense ofVisage definitely has a lot going for it; the atmosphere is solid, the story is really interesting, and there's an ever-present sense of tension that's not always seen in modern horror games. However, it feels like for every few things that Visage does right, it does something not so right.In particular, the UI and controls definitely could've used more polish and testing. I played through the entire game, and it never really felt like I ever got used to how the inventory and menu systems work. The game explains it well enough, but in execution it gets a little messy. It's not enough to ruin the game per se, but enough to nag at you throughout it all. Furthermore, the sanity system is weirdly implemented at times; something as simple as a clock ringing out in the middle of the night will cause your sanity to go down, while climbing down a rope of intestines doesn't effect it whatsoever. While some of this can be explained by story events, other times it just feels inconsistent.Your enjoyment of Visage will depend on how able you are to look past these flaws, as they never really go away. However, as mentioned before, the game does have some genuinely creepy elements to it, and the story goes in a wild direction that'll assure you won't forget the game anytime soon. I'd recommend it if you're a fan of atmospheric horror games, but do be warned that the game does have some noticeable bumps and hiccups here and there.

Review by Joellemm [user]
15 października 2021

I wouldn't doubt that the game is pretty terrifying. Visuals are impressive. And there are some story beats to appreciate. The game's problemI wouldn't doubt that the game is pretty terrifying. Visuals are impressive. And there are some story beats to appreciate. The game's problem is its direction. I don't have too much of a problem slowly walking around a spooky house and clicking light switches and finding keys and all that usual stuff you find in indie horrors. Running away from creepy dudes is always tense, but why am I here? Where am i running to? What is the point if I don't have any context for any of this stuff? Just give me at least a little bit of context before you make me walk through this same corridor for the fifth time!I think the developers built a series of spooky environments, some spooky looking enemies, made everything real dark and spooky-like...then they figured out what the rest of the game was meant to be about. Well...I need more of a purpose to s*** my pants.

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Informacje o grze
Data wydania 29 października 2020
Wydawca SadSquare Studio
Łączna ocena 84%
Oceniana zawartość M (Mature)
Tryby gry Pojedynczy gracz
Perspektywy graczy Pierwsza osoba
Gatunek Przygoda, Indie, Symulator, Puzzle
Motywy Działanie, Horror
Platformy PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5