The King of Fighters XV

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The King of Fighters XV to piętnasta odsłona serii The King of Fighters. Przekrocz swoje granice z KOF XV!

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Chociaż tajemnicza istota zwana Verse zniszczyła arenę KOF, jej zagrożenie zostało stłumione dzięki odważnym wysiłkom zwycięskich pretendentów.
Minęło trochę czasu od zakończenia tego burzliwego turnieju i rozpoczyna się kolejny KOF, wspierany przez nowego sponsora.

W międzyczasie Chizuru Kagura wyczuwa coś, co zakłóca pieczęć Orochi, inaczej znaną jako Wola Gai.
Współpracuje z Kyo Kusanagi i Iori Yagami, aby dołączyć do KOF i zbadać sprawę.

Pośród tych niezliczonych motywów, wojownicy wskrzeszeni po porażce Verse również dołączają do walki.
Po raz kolejny na horyzoncie pojawia się burza...

The King of Fighters XV Instrukcje aktywacji

The King of Fighters XV Recenzje i oceny

Review by Cubed3
9 sierpnia 2022

As a brand-new mainline entry that follows the previous iteration after over five years, The King of Fighters XV feels a little "by the numbers" in a similar way to how Dead or Alive 6 didn't push on from DOA5. Everything is too familiar, too safe, and lacking those key elements that truly give the impression of the next proper game in the series. The 3D character models still look a bit out of place, the story mode is awful, and there isn't enough done to ease newcomers in. Solid online modes and a large roster, with the addition of cross-play to look forward to, mean there is plenty to like for series fans, though.

Review by elirac [user]
7 czerwca 2022

How a game that has been essentially the same since 1994 continues to be so fantastic? Let me explain:Firstly, KOF, at any time, in anyHow a game that has been essentially the same since 1994 continues to be so fantastic? Let me explain:Firstly, KOF, at any time, in any generation, is an excellent fighting game. It is impossible to don't enjoy it. Its character and its fighting system is simply a masterpiece of fighting games.Second. The graphics, the mobility, and the scenarios are simply outstanding. Even though KOF VX is a 2D game, its 3D graphics are extraordinary. The game is fast and addictive, but overall, it is exciting.Ok, ok, it is essentially the same, but at the same time, it is the best of all the KOF. If you are a fan of the series, KOF XV is a must-be in your collection. Also, it is highly recommended if you already have mastered Mortal Kombat 11 or Dead or Alive 6 and are looking for new challenges in a fighting game.

Review by Mene0 [user]
23 maja 2022

The game is absurdly beautiful and the cast is fantastic. I seriously have problems thinking of which 3 characters to fit in my team, givenThe game is absurdly beautiful and the cast is fantastic. I seriously have problems thinking of which 3 characters to fit in my team, given that I like so many of them.However, like a lot of recent fighting games, it seems the devs mostly focus on the multiplayer aspect of it and deliver us basically an arcade game. A part from story mode there really isn't any single player content(altough they added Rugal boss mode, it's pretty barebones too, beat it in 6 tries).Also, it seems that since launch, there are people that simply cannot play on line and this problem has not even been adressed by the developers.All in all, a great fighting game, but lacking in content.

Review by The Enemy
18 kwietnia 2022

Undoubtedly, KOF XV is an evolution over XIV. But I feel like this game is too stuck to its roots of the past and abandons mechanics that were introduced in previous versions. I don't know if I would go so far as to say it's the best game in the franchise – long-time fans would hardly agree with that, even. However, it is a fact that we are talking about another fighting game that is totally worthy in this era of good fighting games in which we live. Could be better? Yes. But it's alright. Maybe next time.

Review by daryl83 [user]
21 marca 2022

PS4 version has some input lag issues that snk needs to fix. The graphics look quite bad, especially the backgrounds that look quite plain andPS4 version has some input lag issues that snk needs to fix. The graphics look quite bad, especially the backgrounds that look quite plain and barren. Load times are quite long for a simple looking game.

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Informacje o grze
Data wydania 16 lutego 2022
Wydawca Koch Media, Code Mystics, Komi Games, SNK, Prime Matter
Łączna ocena 83%
Oceniana zawartość T (Teen)
Tryby gry Multiplayer, Pojedynczy gracz
Perspektywy graczy Widok z boku
Gatunek Walka
Motywy Działanie
Platformy PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S