The Aquatic Adventure of the Last Human

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Z kickstartera: "The Aquatic Adventure of the Last Human to gra akcji/przygodowa w stylu metroid-vania, w której wcielamy się w nawigatora Argo 9, hybrydy statku kosmicznego i łodzi podwodnej, zepchniętej z powrotem na Ziemię w czasach po wyginięciu ludzi


Gracz będzie musiał odkryć przyczyny upadku ludzkości, napotykając przy tym potworne morskie stworzenia.

Gra skupia się na eksploracji, fabule i walkach z bossami.


gracza zależy, czy ruina naszego gatunku jest parodią, czy nieuniknionym wnioskiem."


Z oficjalnej strony internetowej: "W dalekiej przyszłości ludzkości już nie ma. Ziemia była zalewana przez stulecia i bez ludzi dzika przyroda kwitnie.

Przejmij kontrolę nad dawno zaginioną hybrydą statku kosmicznego i łodzi podwodnej Argo 9 podczas spektakularnej przygody do nie tak znanej ojczyzny."

The Aquatic Adventure of the Last Human Instrukcje aktywacji

The Aquatic Adventure of the Last Human Recenzje i oceny

Review by New Game Network
1 lutego 2018

The Aquatic Adventure of the Last Human is a short, but memorable journey. Whether it’s taking down a pair of seahorses, or exploring the last remnants of humanity, the title is full of memorable set pieces that will delight, even in the face of existential horror.

Review by SpazioGames
28 stycznia 2018

The Aquatic Adventure of the Last Human is a contemplative metroidvania with good boss fights. It is a captivating adventure that mixes action and exploration through evocative scenarios that tells the story of our future extinction.

Review by TheXboxHub
26 stycznia 2018

I must applaud the developers at Y/CJ/Y for an amazing design to a game that is so small in its package, but achieves so much in its ambition.

Review by Xbox Tavern
21 stycznia 2018

The Aquatic Adventure of the Last Human is as basic as they come. The theme and setting may well be intriguing in concept, but much less so in delivery. Nearly every gameplay element within has been tried and tested to a better degree elsewhere. It’s not a bad game by any means, but it doesn’t do much to separate itself from the crowd.

Review by Xbox_Alive [user]
21 stycznia 2018

I love a good Metroidvania and a good Metroidvania is a game that has it’s main mechanics and aspects working together flawlessly and that’sI love a good Metroidvania and a good Metroidvania is a game that has it’s main mechanics and aspects working together flawlessly and that’s exactly what you get with The Aquatic Adventure of The Last Human. Exploration plays a big part in this specific genre and thankfully this game allows you to explore in great detail and the best thing is that this game is at its most rewarding when doing this. The game has a number of different mechanics in play at the same time and they’ve all been done really well. This makes the game very fulfilling and this will no doubt appeal to a number of different gamer’s. The gameplay on the whole has been done really well and I was especially fond of the boss battles. The boss battles carry with them a distinct challenge and when you combine that with the clever design of them you end up becoming immersed with them quite a lot. I will say though that the challenging aspect of the game won’t be for everybody and I must admit that I myself did find it a tad too difficult at times. Something that really surprised me about this game was how enjoyable the story was. The story in the game is told in a clever way and this keeps things interesting and it also makes you want to discover more things about the story. In terms of length the game doesn’t offer you a great deal and that will disappoint some because if you’re anything like me then you will want a lot more, which in a way is a testament to how good the game is. The presentation side of the game is something that I really enjoyed. The visuals are spot on and I think the 8-bit art style fits the game’s theme very well. The same can also be said about the sound design used in the game and they really have done a wonderful job of capturing certain feelings. At the end of the day I’ve heard a lot of good things about The Aquatic Adventure of The Last Human and now I can see why. They’ve done everything pretty much to perfection and delivered on the areas you would expect in this specific genre. It is a little on the short side but your time with the game will be very rewarding and without a doubt this definitely makes the game a must buy.

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Informacje o grze
Data wydania 19 stycznia 2016
Wydawca YCJY Games, Digerati Distribution
Oceniana zawartość T (Teen)
Tryby gry Pojedynczy gracz
Perspektywy graczy Widok z boku
Gatunek Przygoda, Strzelec, Indie
Motywy Działanie, Przetrwanie
Platformy Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch