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Jocurile Stainless Games s-au întors! Este vorba de a ucide sau de a fi ucis în acest joc de tip shooter de arenă, bazat pe vehicule, cu toată atitudinea pe care o aștepți de la acest studio de dezvoltare de talie mondială și nu numai.

ShockRods Instrukcje aktywacji

ShockRods Recenzje i oceny

Review by GameGrin
2 martie 2020

ShockRods is a disappointing game that was made with a lot of oversight. While most of the issues can be resolved with software updates and DLC maps, the base game costs £20 and you are getting what is essentially a half baked game.

Informacje o grze
Data wydania 16 octombrie 2019
Wydawca Stainless Games, Green Man Gaming Publishing
Tryby gry Multiplayer, Pojedynczy gracz
Motywy Działanie
Platformy PC (Microsoft Windows)