Gra nadrzędna: Rome: Total War
Rome: Total War - Gold Edition


Rome: Total War

Znasz kogoś, komu spodobałaby się ta gra?


Gdy Imperium Rzymskie znajdzie się pod twoim dowództwem, nie odkładaj jeszcze miecza - nadciągają barbarzyńcy


Dzięki dwóm wielokrotnie nagradzanym tytułom z cenionej serii Total War będziesz miał dwa razy więcej przeszkód i możliwości, aby kontrolować i podbijać największe imperium znane człowiekowi.

Zawiera dodatek Barbarian Invasion!

Rome: Total War - Gold Edition Instrukcje aktywacji

Rome: Total War - Gold Edition Recenzje i oceny

Review by vangomaextreme [user]
8 września 2013

Slightly out of date now especially with its successors release this week. However a great introduction to the series and this editionSlightly out of date now especially with its successors release this week. However a great introduction to the series and this edition contains a huge amount of gameplay. The graphics are quite dated given the standard of the rest of the series nowadays but still enjoyable. While they spend the next year working out all the bugs on Rome: Total War 2 I would strongly recommend getting a taste for the game through this edition by which time Rome Total War 2 will be patched enough that it will be a superlative game. In the meantime you will easily lose yourself in this game and develop a real taste for the series in general.

Review by CaptainThom [user]
26 czerwca 2013

It's 2013 and this is still one of my favourite games the graphics are dated, the AI breaks agreements and isn't a real challenge but if youIt's 2013 and this is still one of my favourite games the graphics are dated, the AI breaks agreements and isn't a real challenge but if you want the best total war experience so far this is it especially with the help of some great mods!

Informacje o grze
Data wydania 14 marca 2006
Wydawca Sega, The Creative Assembly
Łączna ocena 85%
Oceniana zawartość T (Teen)
Tryby gry Multiplayer, Pojedynczy gracz
Perspektywy graczy Widok z lotu ptaka / Izometryczny
Gatunek Strategia
Motywy Historyczny, Działania wojenne
Platformy PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac