MirrorMoon EP

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MirrorMoon EP to gra o tajemnicach i eksploracji osadzona w przestrzeni kosm


Te kosmiczne podróże rozpoczynają się na czerwonej planecie i jej wyjątkowym księżycu, a następnie rozciągają się na galaktyki.
Część MirrorMoon EP przeznaczona dla jednego gracza łączy przygodę i eksplorację z rozwiązywaniem zagadek opartych na nawigacji. Gra wieloosobowa MirrorMoon EP pozwala graczom dzielić się mapami galaktyk z innymi graczami: pierwsi odkrywcy, którzy wylądują na planecie, będą mogli nazwać jej system gwiezdny, a nazwa ta będzie na zawsze związana z gwiazdą dla każdego innego podróżnika, który ją napotka.

Każda galaktyka składa się z tysiąca systemów: pełne odkrycie tajemnic MirrorMoon EP będzie możliwe tylko podczas współpracy z innymi graczami.
Poprzez pozornie nieczytelny kokpit nieznanego statku kosmicznego, gracze będą mogli zlokalizować i podróżować na tajemnicze planety. Każda planeta ma na swojej powierzchni artefakty, budynki i zagadki, ukryte w zadziwiających sceneriach low-poly.

MirrorMoon EP Instrukcje aktywacji

MirrorMoon EP Recenzje i oceny

Review by Jack5switch [user]
4 listopada 2021

MirrorMoon EP... goodness... where do I begin? It is literally the most bewildering game I've ever laid my eyes upon, even more disorientingMirrorMoon EP... goodness... where do I begin? It is literally the most bewildering game I've ever laid my eyes upon, even more disorienting than Antichamber, which was designed to be disorienting. The game is divided into a vast array of planets with unique names, and they all play out the exact same way: walk, collect some artefacts, rotate the moon, collect more artefacts, rotate the moon again, win... boring. I bought the game thinking it would be an entertaining, music-based platformer, but there's no platforms! The only visible structures have absolutely no collision detection, and the music can barely be passed off as music! The one credit I can give this game is that it was a stepping stone for the developer, who went on to release Fotonica for Steam and iOS.

Review by PC Gamer UK
1 lutego 2014

The problem with discussing MirrorMoon EP is that the fun (and frustration) of it lies in discovering for yourself what you have to do, how, and why. Good luck with that last part - it still eludes me.

Review by Andrew_Paterson [user]
1 lutego 2014

I love games where I can just wander around and explore with no pressure to complete the Main Quest(tm) and no hand holding every step of theI love games where I can just wander around and explore with no pressure to complete the Main Quest(tm) and no hand holding every step of the way,.So why have I given MirrorMoon such a low score? Because the controls are a broken mess. I don't mean the galaxy flight control screen either. I mean just trying to change options etc... don't work.MirrorMoon feels remarkably like a half-written hobbyist project that someone then decided to charge money for. Putting in standard twin-stick FPS controls wouldn't have hurt the feel of the game but it would have made it a lot more accessible.Not being able to configure controls really doesn't help either. Having the controller only work on the moons (but then be un-disableable (word)) is a pain. JoyToKey is your friend.Give it a couple of patches (which haven't happened) and this game could be enjoyable. Or at least an experience.

Review by AuveedSaki [user]
16 listopada 2013

This game is a very interesting puzzle game with a wonderful style. Full of nice colors and an interesting concept, the only thing holding meThis game is a very interesting puzzle game with a wonderful style. Full of nice colors and an interesting concept, the only thing holding me back from giving this a 9 or a 10, is how little they give you to understand how the game may work. Now, after eventually understanding the mechanics it is a great time, but that process sometimes may leave you bored or confused. Even though this may be getting mixed reviews from critics and gamers alike, it is still a must buy to see this style of indie game creation not often seen. 8/10.

Review by Outlander999 [user]
16 listopada 2013

This game pushes the videogamer curiosity. It's more a slow-paced journey than a videogame, because the real gameplay is limited, but theThis game pushes the videogamer curiosity. It's more a slow-paced journey than a videogame, because the real gameplay is limited, but the exploration will intrigue you. VIRTUALINN.IT

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Informacje o grze
Data wydania 4 września 2013
Wydawca Santa Ragione
Tryby gry Spółdzielnia, Pojedynczy gracz
Perspektywy graczy Pierwsza osoba
Gatunek Przygoda, Indie, Puzzle
Motywy Science fiction
Platformy Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, Ouya