
De hit RPG keert terug! Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning komt uit de koker van de bestsellerauteur R.A. Salvatore, Spawn-bedenker Todd McFarlane en Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion-hoofdontwerper Ken Rolston. Re-Reckoning is geremasterd met verbluffende beelden en verfijnde gameplay en levert intense, aanpasbare RPG-gevechten binnen een uitgestrekte spelwereld.


Onthul de geheimen van Amalur, van de bruisende stad Rathir tot de uitgestrekte regio Dalentarth en de grimmige kerkers van de Brigand Hall Caverns. Red een wereld die is verscheurd door een wrede oorlog en beheers de sleutels tot onsterfelijkheid als de eerste krijger ooit die is herrezen uit de greep van de dood.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning Instrukcje aktywacji

Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning Recenzje i oceny

Review by Vinzkill [user]
10 juni 2022

This game deserves more appreciation. I still find the graphics impressive even though its a remaster of an old game. Gameplay is nice. RpgThis game deserves more appreciation. I still find the graphics impressive even though its a remaster of an old game. Gameplay is nice. Rpg element is nice. Will update if I encounter bugs and crashes that the others are talking about. But for me so far so good.

Review by nortoons [user]
17 maart 2022

This is a very well-done, engrossing game that really scratched a certain itch for me. First off, playing the Switch version, I rarelyThis is a very well-done, engrossing game that really scratched a certain itch for me. First off, playing the Switch version, I rarely encountered any crashes or serious bugs, so either those issues have been patched, or I got very lucky. But, I put around 120 hours into this game and I believe it crashed only twice. It auto-saves regularly so I was able to get back on track very quickly.What spurred me to buy this game in the first place was my desire to find a single-player game that was similar to World of Warcraft. For me, this game was it. The combat isn't really like WoW, but there are a lot of similarities in other aspects of the game. Blacksmithing, alchemy, lockpicking, questing, melee & caster classes...there's plenty to go around. It's always fun to level up and choose new skills and abilities to make your character stronger.The story is top-notch, although it doesn't really break any new ground in the world of high fantasy. You pretty much know what to expect: Elves, dwarf-like gnomes, forest fae, gigantic swords and hammers, staves with magical powers, and a powerful, menacingly evil foe commanding a giant army bent on destroying all that is good in the world. If you're in to that kind of setting, you will surely dig this game.There's loot stashed in every nook and cranny on the map. Half the fun of this game is exploring and finding treasure. Sometimes the treasure isn't much, and sometimes it's an epic new piece of gear. I do really wish there was some sort of transmog system, though, because once you get the best gear in the game, you're stuck with the way it looks whether you like it or not. However, one thing you're not stuck with is what class of character you'd like to play. It's easy and relatively cheap to respec your character from say, a stealthy, back-stabbing rogue to a sword-wielding warrior armed to the teeth. Or, perhaps you'd like to try out the caster class and see what it feels like to deal magical damage from afar. Disappointed that you put so many points into alchemy, when it feels like blacksmithing or sagecraft would be more useful? No problem. Visit a fateweaver, pay some gold, and try something new.I personally don't mind the graphics, but some people may feel a bit put-off by the now-outdated look of the characters and scenery. The music is great and timeless, though. I suppose I wish there was a little more variety in the enemies and NPCs you encounter; there isn't much difference no matter where you go. NPCs are either elves, gnomes, humans, or a sort of human/elven fae, and aside from the short stature of the gnomes, they are all pretty similar. You're going to encounter wolves early in the game, and you're going to encounter wolves late in the game. The giant, hulking trolls are eventually replaced by giant, hulking two-headed Ettin, who are eventually replaced by giant, hulking demonic monsters. Ultimately, they are still big, single-minded enemies who behave about the same way and require about the same strategy. I didn't mind it too much, but some more variety would have only made it better.All in all, I had a great time with this game, and it was a fantastic value for the money, as I managed to find it on sale for only $15. Honestly, even if I had paid full price I would still feel like I got my money's worth. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves high fantasy, or action RPGs in general, especially if you're looking to scratch the itch of a WoW-like offline, single-player game.

Review by JRice [user]
5 december 2021

The game starts strong, with beautiful graphics, an interesting story, intuitive questing and variable character builds.After some hours itThe game starts strong, with beautiful graphics, an interesting story, intuitive questing and variable character builds.After some hours it becomes clear though, that Amalur is fundamentally flawed:The world is lifeless and sterile, the battle system is repetitive, and the character developement doesnt feel interesting...It still is a decent game, but overshaded by the great RPGs of recent times...

Review by RatchetClank111 [user]
23 november 2021

I'm not really writing the review on how it was remastered for the ps4/ps5, but just about the game and my initial impressions.I feltI'm not really writing the review on how it was remastered for the ps4/ps5, but just about the game and my initial impressions.I felt somewhat misled at first, because with this being on ps plus I was expecting I guess a game that was like closer to what you expect from an RPG/MMO for today, but when I started to play the game I realized this is definitely from around the ps3 era. Obviously this game is dated, but even with imagining when the game was originally released, it has some flaws that really prevent the game from being better. And you can instantly tell within the first few hours.First issue is that you have no connection to your character. Your character doesn't say anything, doesn't show emotion, and just looks disinterested when talking to other characters. Your choices don't really change anything and feels forced when you have to make a decision on how to proceed with a quest.The NPCs, their voice acting is really bland and don't get your attention at all. I've played the game for a few hours and not one character has wanted me to go through all of their dialogue options. A further issue is that ALMOST every character has WAY TOO MUCH dialogue. It's too much to comprehend and understand what is really going on in this setting and makes you just skip everything other than what's the quest so I can get the quest and decide if I want to complete it. NPCs talk about all these different places and characters and groups that it's just very hard to understand what they are even talking about or referring to because you don't know anything about the game or where you are at.Quests, This game just throws WAY too many quests at you right from the start after you complete the tutorial. It's a shame too because if it kept the fast pace of the tutorial, that part is actually really fun and you sense the urgency to continue. After that, there's just no urgency or drive to complete the main quests. It just puts you at the first village where's there just a bunch of random quests to do, If you go south then you run into another village with even more quests...and a lot of them just seem boring and don't feel rewarding to complete.The main issue is that when you just play the game for a few hours, you really get the sense that this is all that the game has to offer and just feels like a drawn out RPG, and from my understanding was supposed to be an MMO at some point, which would explain why the game feels so empty. and with this being a remaster sort of, you then realize how dated the game is.Overall, not a terrible game, but the game just feels like a chore to play and doesn't really give any sense of emotion. Most likely I'll just play this once in awhile for the combat and just to explore and complete a quest, then move on and do something else.Final score: 5/10,

Review by mtkf [user]
30 oktober 2021

Not as good as Skyrim or the Witcher, but def scratches that hack and slash RPG itch. It's an old port, but I never played it when it came outNot as good as Skyrim or the Witcher, but def scratches that hack and slash RPG itch. It's an old port, but I never played it when it came out and bought it on a whim and have already sank over 24 hours into it.

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Informacje o grze
Data wydania 8 september 2020
Wydawca Big Huge Games, Kaiko, THQ Nordic
Oceniana zawartość M (Mature)
Tryby gry Pojedynczy gracz
Perspektywy graczy Trzecia osoba
Gatunek Przygoda, Odgrywanie ról (RPG), Walka
Motywy Działanie, Fantasy
Platformy PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch