Gra nadrzędna: Just Cause 3
Just Cause 3: Mech Land Assault

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Just Cause 3: Mech Land Assault to drugi pakiet PDLC z przepustki rozszerzającej Air, Land & Sea


Zinfiltruj tajemniczą wyspę Lacrima, aby uwolnić rebeliantów przetrzymywanych przez bezwzględnych żołnierzy Czarnej Ręki. Porwij potężne Mechy i użyj ich niesamowitej broni grawitacyjnej, aby ciskać i rozbijać wrogów na kawałki.

Ten pakiet zawartości zawiera zupełnie nową wyspę, misje, wyzwania, dwa ciężko uzbrojone Mechy wyposażone w broń grawitacyjną GRIP, karabin energetyczny Bavarium Power Core i kumpla Rebel Mecha, z których wszystkie można przenieść do głównej gry.

Just Cause 3: Mech Land Assault Instrukcje aktywacji

Just Cause 3: Mech Land Assault Recenzje i oceny

Review by Destructoid
11 czerwca 2016

Mech Land Assault falls completely flat. The mechs are great, but they also make missions and liberating towns way too easy (the same way the jetpack made flying way too easy and thereby less interesting). There are only two missions, both of which are completely bland. Oh, and also you're forced to liberate the entire DLC island because if there is one thing that people were clamoring for, it was more town liberations. Good lord, is this season pass over yet?

Review by EGM
9 czerwca 2016

Just Cause 3: Mech Land Assault is a fun little add-on for Avalanche Studios’ latest sandbox adventure, but considering the overall lack of content and its relatively steep price point, you might need to be really desperate to get back into Just Cause 3 if you’re using this as your excuse. Still, what is here is enjoyable, and much better balanced than what we saw in Sky Fortress, showing Avalanche Studios is at least moving in the right direction with this post-launch content—and giving me hope for the final chapter in the three-part DLC season pass.

Review by Areajugones
8 czerwca 2016

Mech Land Assault is the best DLC that Just Cause 3 has. It has lots of new features and a new huge map. However, its missions are really simple and its duration too short.

Review by ICXM
5 czerwca 2016

Definitely unique. It's more of a DLC than an expansion, but the new Mech challenges grant you some upgraded powers to unlock. It doesn't completely overhaul the game like Sky Fortress, but it contains excellent additions that simply beg you to try them out for the excitement factor alone.

Informacje o grze
Data wydania 3 czerwca 2016
Wydawca Avalanche Studios, Square Enix
Oceniana zawartość M (Mature)
Tryby gry Pojedynczy gracz
Perspektywy graczy Trzecia osoba
Gatunek Przygoda
Motywy Działanie, Otwarty świat, Piaskownica
Platformy PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One