Journey of a Roach

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Wojna nuklearna, postapokalipsa, jałowe i pozbawione życia pustkowia


Bez życia? Wcale nie!
Zmutowane owady zadomowiły się w schronie przeciwbombowym i postanowiły zbadać świat.
Pozwól tej przygodówce point&click powitać cię w przezabawnie dziwacznym świecie końca czasów i dołącz do karaluchów Jima i Buda w ich podróży na powierzchnię.

Journey of a Roach opowiada historię dwóch kumpli karaluchów, którzy nie chcą niczego innego, jak tylko zobaczyć świat na powierzchni.
W drodze na powierzchnię spotykają wszelkiego rodzaju dziwaczne i niedorzeczne owady zamieszkujące postapokaliptyczną Ziemię. W klimatycznej przygodówce 3D point&click przejmiesz kontrolę nad karaluchem Jimem w schronie przeciwbombowym, bez wysiłku czołgając się po ścianach i sufitach. Ta innowacyjna i dynamiczna mechanika gry stwarza możliwości dla zupełnie nowego projektowania łamigłówek. Przyjemnie zaprojektowane balony mowy oferują nowe, niekonwencjonalne dialogi, a ścieżka dźwiękowa zapewnia klimatyczny, postapokaliptyczny nastrój.Kluczowe cechy
Przygoda point&click w wyjątkowym środowisku
Czołgaj się po ścianach i sufitach, odkrywając tajne podziemia
Innowacyjne sterowanie tworzy dynamiczną mechanikę gry
Atmosferyczny świat 3D w komiksowym stylu
Dwóch uroczych, zapadających w pamięć bohaterów z humorystycznymi, niewerbalnymi środkami komunikacji

Journey of a Roach Instrukcje aktywacji

Journey of a Roach Recenzje i oceny

Review by kezzyhko [user]
5 sierpnia 2020


Review by nickrgamer [user]
26 kwietnia 2014

Journey of a Roach is a great game. It has a nice story and challenging puzzles(good luck with it). The arts is good, the characters, settings and background music are cute(actually the whole game is cute). But you need to be aware of the spinning screen when Jim is climbing walls or ceilings, it might make you dizzy.Journey of a Roach is just a short game so you can finish it with just a couple of hours.

Review by COGconnected
18 grudnia 2013

Journey of a Roach is ideal for someone who wants a change of pace in a puzzle game. It is for someone who does not want a complex story line and is looking for an affordable puzzle game for your PC.

Review by Duckstiff [user]
4 grudnia 2013

The game thrusts you into a difficult puzzle almost immediately and my first thought was "This feels like a version of Monkey Island". TheThe game thrusts you into a difficult puzzle almost immediately and my first thought was "This feels like a version of Monkey Island". The movement around the game is seemless and I played through using a 360 controller, it was generally hassle free although inventory management took a few attempts to get used to. The can climb up walls and along ceilings which leads to some movements that resemble Fez.After playing through however, I decided the game was not similar to Monkey Island at all with regards to the puzzles. Some of the choices were bizarre and made the game difficult not because of how hard the puzzles actually were but the placement and sheer ludicrousness. The game effectively consisted of 3 'large' puzzles. Each zone was unique and had a certain theme to it but all followed a main 'quest' or aim linked to the zone. The game difficultly was mostly gauged by the awkwardness of certain actions, combined with the fact that rarely did you get any sort of clue other than a speech bubble depicting a cruel picture of what the character you're interacting with wants.The length of the game is fairly short, I took around 3-4 hours of passive gameplay, i.e I was watching TV whilst playing this game every so often. I can't imagine the replay value of this game is very high, maybe at some point I will speed run this game but it doesn't have that charm Monkey Island ever had and thus I don't feel that I could return to play this game simply for the storyline. Then there is the price, I wouldn't say this game is worth the RRP at all, I caught this in a bundle by chance and after a while decided to actually play it.However, despite that overall difficulty/awkwardness I think the game deserves some credit. The game is technically flawless with regards to bugs and the developers should be applauded for that, not often does this happen now that they can just simply release broken and patch later.The game really should be around the £5 range though due to its length. I honestly think I could speed run this game in under 20 minutes and that isn't really a selling point.

Review by 1ManAndHisDroid [user]
27 listopada 2013

Got this as part of a humble bundle pleasantly surprised...The key mechanic is the ability to walk 360 around rooms (on walls ceilings)Got this as part of a humble bundle pleasantly surprised...The key mechanic is the ability to walk 360 around rooms (on walls ceilings) but it's actually a cute little adventure game too!And the puzzles make sense (not too random) well worth checking out if on sale!

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Informacje o grze
Data wydania 4 listopada 2013
Wydawca Koboldgames, Daedalic Entertainment
Tryby gry Pojedynczy gracz
Perspektywy graczy Trzecia osoba
Gatunek Przygoda, Indie, Puzzle
Motywy Komedia
Platformy Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac