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Blokuj i ładuj!!! Łącząc wciągającą naturę gier typu sandbox z szybkością i rywalizacją współczesnych strzelanek pierwszoosobowych, Guncraft przenosi rozgrywkę opartą na wokselach na zupełnie nowy poziom. Gracze mogą tworzyć mapy i areny oparte na wszystkim, co można sobie wyobrazić, a po ich ukończeniu mogą je całkowicie zniszczyć za pomocą pocisków, bomb, granatów, czołgów, helikopterów, statków powietrznych i wielu innych. W ogniu walki żołnierze mogą błyskawicznie tworzyć własne blokady i fortece. Uważaj - kiedy myślisz, że jesteś bezpieczny, wrogowie mogą tunelować przez ściany i kopać w podłogach, aby zasadzić się na ciebie od tyłu, z góry lub z dołu!

Oprócz Deathmatch i Team Deathmatch, Guncraft oferuje ponad siedem dziwacznych trybów gry, takich jak Lava Survival i Spleef, a także mnóstwo niestandardowych ładunków, atutów, broni, pojazdów i nie tylko. Co więcej, podstawowa mechanika rzemiosła Guncraft jest dostępna w każdym aspekcie gry, umożliwiając graczom tworzenie map, postaci i broni w locie, a następnie dziesiątkowanie ich wszystkich w celu pokonania wrogów.

Guncraft Instrukcje aktywacji

Guncraft Recenzje i oceny

Review by gamingforfun365 [user]
15 marca 2015

It's a great game to play, and it's not at all terrible, but almost nobody plays it online. Although the game's engine and graphics can bothIt's a great game to play, and it's not at all terrible, but almost nobody plays it online. Although the game's engine and graphics can both feel a little weird and a bit too simple, I like the in-game, smooth, solid graphics. VERDICT: Buy this game, and invite your friends to play with you online.

Review by flame2057 [user]
26 marca 2014

Defiantly the best game I have ever played. I have played this for over 50 hours in total. I love it to death. Thousands of maps, guns,Defiantly the best game I have ever played. I have played this for over 50 hours in total. I love it to death. Thousands of maps, guns, prefabs and skins. That's what makes this game never get old. Also a bunch of different game mods. Buy it. J-Just... buy it.

Review by PengoLin [user]
23 grudnia 2013

Really had high hopes for this game, but couldn't stand it for even 1 hour.It is an unbalanced game, along with terrible frame rate,Really had high hopes for this game, but couldn't stand it for even 1 hour.It is an unbalanced game, along with terrible frame rate, technical issues, inability to change graphical settings, and terribly repetitive style, probably makes this one of my worst wastes of $15. The only thing I like is the build mode, but your buildings that you worked hard on instantly get vaporized by explosions.Please do NOT buy this piece of junk game.

Review by CassiusDean [user]
7 września 2013

Guncraft is simply an attempt to cash in on Minecraft's success. This game looks terrible and plays horribly. The interface is confusing andGuncraft is simply an attempt to cash in on Minecraft's success. This game looks terrible and plays horribly. The interface is confusing and difficult to navigate. It feels like an attempt to combine Minecraft and Call of Duty which has failed badly. Do not buy.

Review by Thunderbolt
3 września 2013

Guncraft is addictive and ambitious. Exato has achieved a real feat in utilising Minecraft’s template in such innovative ways. The potential for creativity and its pure gameplay should make Guncraft a hub of imagination once it becomes more populated and utilised.

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Informacje o grze
Data wydania 9 sierpnia 2013
Wydawca Exato Games Studios, Reverb Publishing
Oceniana zawartość T (Teen)
Tryby gry Pojedynczy gracz, Multiplayer, Spółdzielnia
Perspektywy graczy Pierwsza osoba
Gatunek Indie, Strzelec
Motywy Działanie, Piaskownica
Platformy PC (Microsoft Windows), Xbox 360