Etherlords II

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Etherlords 2 to ekscytująca mieszanka gry fabularnej, przygodowej i taktycznej walki w doskonałej tradycji gier karcianych fantasy


Odkryj na nowo świat Ether i zupełnie nowe królestwo fantastycznych możliwości. Poprowadź swojego bohatera przez pięć kampanii, przez krainy pełne niezrównanego piękna i niebezpieczeństw. Przyzwij szeroką gamę stworzeń - Wojowników Lamii, Czerwone Smoki, Ściany Powietrza i nie tylko - aby pomóc ci osiągnąć zwycięstwo na polu bitwy. Wykorzystaj całą dostępną moc, aby pokazać wrogom, że to ty zasługujesz na pełną kontrolę nad Eterem. Eter jest wieczny, Eter jest wszechpotężny, a teraz będzie pod twoim dowództwem. Jeśli szukasz strategicznego wyzwania i lubisz gry karciane, to jest to najlepszy wybór!

Ta wersja gry obsługuje bitwy kooperacyjne przez Internet, w tym tryb Okrągłego Stołu: turniej eliminacyjny z losowym zestawem kart.


Eter jest wszędzie, nie zna granic. Wszelkie życie wyłania się z Eteru i powraca do niego po śmierci. To przepływ życia i śmierci. Walczyłeś o dominację nad tym cennym i potężnym zasobem i zagarnąłeś go dla siebie. Nowe zagrożenie wyłania się z mgieł Chaosu, zagrażając samej strukturze istnienia. Bohaterowie muszą zostać wezwani z każdego zakątka ziemi, armie wyszkolone, stworzenia przywołane, a zaklęcia przygotowane. Wojna o Eter rozgorzała na nowo i tylko od ciebie zależy, czy wygrasz tę bitwę, nie tylko dla siebie, ale i dla samego istnienia.

Etherlords II Instrukcje aktywacji

Etherlords II Recenzje i oceny

Review by igolrum [user]
4 czerwca 2021

Compared to the first game, this one switched genres and there isn't really an overworld strategy part to it anymore. It does however now haveCompared to the first game, this one switched genres and there isn't really an overworld strategy part to it anymore. It does however now have an interesting story and lore and it still has pretty challenging fights and interesting build your fighting deck mechanics.A bit of a hidden gem, really.

Review by Shadran [user]
7 stycznia 2020

Not great, not bad. RPG aspects are very nice making you stronger through the game as you level and colect more cards, but most of the timeNot great, not bad. RPG aspects are very nice making you stronger through the game as you level and colect more cards, but most of the time you end up using the same overpowered combos because you can't really get all the cards for lack of reseurces. That limits your decks variations and makes your live hard when you just want to try something out and get stuck on a simply stronger opponent. Graphics are fine, camera rotating can get annoying after while. Sounds are basic. Story is basically beat everyone and move on wich is fine for someone like me who likes card games and can skip every dialog. Overall mediocre game.

Review by Steeldude [user]
15 kwietnia 2015

In my opinion, the best card-game on the PC, because it actually has a LONG and GOOD campaign mode where you gather ingredients and fightIn my opinion, the best card-game on the PC, because it actually has a LONG and GOOD campaign mode where you gather ingredients and fight enemies. It is basically a mix of a strategy game and a card-battle simulator (the closest game I can think of to this game is King's Bounty)The only problem I have with this game is that at the beginning of each campaign, the game is really hard until you get more cards. After that, it's a great fun from start to finish!

Review by Sghignifiss [user]
2 grudnia 2014

This is one of my favorite games. You can say the campaign is too linear, you can say the story is not interesting, I would agree with that.This is one of my favorite games. You can say the campaign is too linear, you can say the story is not interesting, I would agree with that. But those become small details in front of the graphics and game concepts behind them. This is a real card game like MTG could be, with the benefit of great graphics during battles. It could seem difficult to play and learn... well, it is. I've played this at the time of its first release and still now I desire to play it again. Once you finish the campaign you still have to master your deckbuildng skills, and THERE is where the game really shines. So many possibilities, so many strategies, so many level of customization. I've enjoyed playing so many styles with this game I hardly found similar games with the same level of diversification between decks. I've to admit there are a couple of "unbeatable" decks, but by the time you discover them you'll have played (and enjoyed) a ton of hours.

Review by Blacknsilver [user]
21 kwietnia 2014

You know there's a problem when even walkthroughs list some of the starting battles as "impossible without cheats". Simply put, this is anYou know there's a problem when even walkthroughs list some of the starting battles as "impossible without cheats". Simply put, this is an obvious cash-in with 0 effort put towards balance, story, characters, etc.

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Informacje o grze
Data wydania 1 października 2003
Wydawca Nival Interactive, DreamCatcher Games, Strategy First
Oceniana zawartość T (Teen)
Tryby gry Multiplayer, Pojedynczy gracz
Gatunek Przygoda, Odgrywanie ról (RPG), Indie, Strategia, Strategia turowa (TBS), Gra karciana i planszowa
Motywy Fantasy
Platformy PC (Microsoft Windows)