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Dishonored CD Key 是一款动作冒险、隐形视频游戏,于 2012 年发布。游戏开发商为 Arkane Studios,发行商为 Bethesda Softworks。游戏于 2012 年 10 月在全球发售,平台包括 Xbox 360、PS 3 和 MS Windows。游戏的背景是瘟疫肆虐的邓沃尔工业城市,这是一个虚构的故事。故事讲述的是科尔沃-阿塔诺(Corvo Attano)是群岛女皇的保镖。由于女皇被谋杀,阿塔诺遭到陷害,他不得不成为一名刺客,向那些与他有阴谋的人复仇。他的任务得到了忠诚派的帮助,目的是让邓沃尔和外来者一起被夺回,外来者很强大,并向科尔沃灌输了魔法能力。为游戏配音的著名演员包括 Brad Dourif、Susan Sarandon、Michael Madsen、Carrie Fisher、Chloe Grace Moretz 和 Lena Headey。


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Dishonored Recenzje i oceny

Review by TCM_Crash [user]

---{ Graphics }---☐ You forget what reality is☐ Beautiful☑ Good☐ Decent☐ Bad☐ Don‘t look too long at it☐ MS-DOS---{ Gameplay---{ Graphics }---☐ You forget what reality is☐ Beautiful☑ Good☐ Decent☐ Bad☐ Don‘t look too long at it☐ MS-DOS---{ Gameplay }---☑ Very good☐ Good☐ It's just gameplay☐ Mehh☐ Watch paint dry instead☐ Just don't---{ Story }---☐ No Story☐ Some lore☐ Average☑ Good☐ Lovely☐ It'll replace your life---{ Game Time }---☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee☐ Short☑ Average☐ Long☐ To infinity and beyond---{ Price }---☐ It's free!☑ Worth the price☐ If it's on sale☐ If u have some spare money left☐ Not recommended☐ You could also just burn your money

Review by InoriShimotsuki [user]

Эта игра вышла очень хорошей. Она полностью погружает тебя в свой мрачный и жестокий мир. Ты видишь и чувствуешь всю ту безысходность, котораяЭта игра вышла очень хорошей. Она полностью погружает тебя в свой мрачный и жестокий мир. Ты видишь и чувствуешь всю ту безысходность, которая пронизывает это прохождение. Сюжет завораживает тебя своей мрачностью, своими поворотами. Геймплей интересный и довольно увлекательный. Главный герой живой, мы сопереживаем ему и нам интересно за ним наблюдать. про второстепенных персонажей можно сказать то же самое.

Review by earlyman56 [user]

The gameplay betrays the advertising and premise. For a supposed assassin your character is more likely to run straight into a situation gunsThe gameplay betrays the advertising and premise. For a supposed assassin your character is more likely to run straight into a situation guns blazing with overpowered tools and abilities. For a gamer that actually want's to play an assassin which minimizes collateral damage, Hitman is a much better game.

Review by jsizzle [user]

Dishonored - easily one of the best first person stealth games due to its level design, art style, character and dark atmosphere. With theDishonored - easily one of the best first person stealth games due to its level design, art style, character and dark atmosphere. With the steampunk setting we see pretty neat technology and a heavy industrial theme tied to poaching whales which also has a hand in how you tune your powers. The architecture and character model design has very unique hand painted attributes and compliments the game quite well. This game seems to be heavily inspired by Thief from the early 2000s and in many ways has done an excellent job in keeping its spirit alive.You play as Corvo Attano, the royal bodyguard to Empress Jessamine. You return in time to be able to at least put a stake in the spokes of the plan to over throw the Empress but ultimately fail and the fate of Dunwall is on your shoulders as you restore the government from its Dictator, Hiram Burrows. From there you will carve a path to revenge or redemption, it is the players choice. The levels you traverse are decently sized, open ended and filled pretty nicely with hidden loot and runes/ bone charms to upgrade with. You can also ignore all of your powers for a flesh and steel run if that's what you prefer. Seriously, Dishonored is an amazing game that lets you really get creative with all the weapons and powers you have at your disposal. My only gripe is that they didn't get Mr. Russell to voice Corvo originally.

Review by Jackal1994 [user]

To be quite honest, I wasn't really expecting much from a port game, but i was quite surprised after seeing this game through to its core. Despite being a port game it was actually quite fun and it was most definitely a whole new experience for me. Firstly, what I liked the most about this game is that it wasn't just a stealth/action game their was also a huge element of puzzle-solving in it as well. The puzzle's are not easy which I like because I hate it when games give you the answer so the puzzles are not just fun, but also challenging. The game itself is also challenging just like its puzzles which I love as well because you barely see games nowadays that make you think critically about your next move. Secondly, the graphics were pretty decent even for a port, the only thing the game needed personally was a texture adjustment and everything would've been excellent. The story-line in the game was somewhat disappointing because you don't know really much about the dishonored universe even though you read books throughout the game telling about the isles near Dunwall City. Despite that issue though the main story-line and the plot was pretty decent for a beginning of a series which I hope Arkane Studios does. The environment of the game was extremely unique, but sadly original. The game's environment looked like to me a mixture of both Assassin's Creed 2's and Half-Life 2 therefore it kind of made me feel too familiar and made me feel like I was playing a hybrid game with both Assassin's Creed and Half-Life 2 elements in it. Overall it was a decent game but I found one major yet troubling flaw that might affect on a gamer's performance. The problem was that all the keys were in very awkward places like the blocking key for example was ALT and when you want to select a power or a second weapon u have to push down your middle-mouse button. Despite the the key layout, the game is quite decent but I would only recommend this game to gamers between the ranges of intermediate and expert due to its critical thinking and the annoying key layout if you are that type of gamer that doesn't change the keys

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Informacje o grze
Data wydania 2012年10月9日
Wydawca Arkane Studios, Bethesda Softworks
Łączna ocena 88%
Oceniana zawartość M (Mature)
Tryby gry Pojedynczy gracz
Perspektywy graczy Pierwsza osoba
Gatunek Przygoda, Odgrywanie ról (RPG), Puzzle
Motywy Działanie, Stealth
Platformy PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3, Xbox 360