Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time

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I subdoli cattivi Neo Cortex e il Dr. N. Tropy sono finalmente fuggiti dalla loro prigione interdimensionale, lasciando un buco nell'universo delle dimensioni di uno scienziato malvagio. Ora hanno gli occhi puntati non solo sulla conquista di questa dimensione, ma di TUTTE le dimensioni, e tocca a Crash e Coco salvare la situazione. N. Sanity Beach è il luogo in cui l'avventura di Crash è iniziata, e dove inizia in Crash 4. Ma ci sono stati sicuramente dei cambiamenti da quando i giocatori hanno visto per la prima volta N. Sanity Beach tanti anni fa, e nel corso di Crash 4 si noteranno cambiamenti nel gameplay e persino nello stile artistico.

Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time Instrukcje aktywacji

Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time Recenzje i oceny

Review by kaczan3 [user]
10 agosto 2022

They ruined a perfectly good game by adding a cringy mary-sue with feminist hair. And she's much stronger than Crash, the protagonist. So theyThey ruined a perfectly good game by adding a cringy mary-sue with feminist hair. And she's much stronger than Crash, the protagonist. So they are doing what the woke hollywood is doing -- making a show supposedly about Obi Wan, but making him a loser that is upstaged by that Inquisitor chick, or even a 10-year-old Leia.

Review by Loo_oo [user]
21 marzo 2022

Ce Crash est une véritable réussite pour la série qui parvient à évoluer sans trahir les premiers opus. Une suite directe donc, avec unCe Crash est une véritable réussite pour la série qui parvient à évoluer sans trahir les premiers opus. Une suite directe donc, avec un gameplay subtilement et habilement retravaillé. La DA est là, l'OST aussi, aucun doute c'est bien du Crash ! Le portage est tout juste parfait, il y a eu très peu de concessions graphiques, preuve que la petite Switch en a sous le capot ! Notez toutefois que le mode portable est quand même un cran au dessous du mode docké.Les + :- une suite de qualité- portage switch de qualité- une difficulté mieux dosée... pour les hard core gamer, le challenge est très corsé si vous voulez tout débloquer.- phases de jeu variés.Les - :- Pas de prise de risque, il tombera sans doute dans l'oubli... mais bon la formule est quand même bonne.

Review by Darkzero94 [user]
1 settembre 2021

Pretty much a perfect follow up to the excellent Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped! The story is good, some plot twists here and there (wont spoil)Pretty much a perfect follow up to the excellent Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped! The story is good, some plot twists here and there (wont spoil) the character animations looks incredible and the new art style fits crash and the rest of the cast, at first i thought it was a bold move of them by changing the art but it grew on me i almost gave it a ten but some levels felt sadistic and the amount of crates you need to break in some levels for completion purposes felt ridiculous asides from that its incredible if youre a fan of crash or platformers in general you should give Crash 4 a try BUY IT!!

Review by Bradaloop [user]
29 luglio 2021

A fantastic modernisation and evolution of the classic Crash formula. Undoubtedly the best game in the series, expanding on the hallwayA fantastic modernisation and evolution of the classic Crash formula. Undoubtedly the best game in the series, expanding on the hallway platforming formula in adding extra layers of 3D movement. The first level in the game is a fantastic showcase of this, as it switches between 3D and 2.5D, shifting perspectives throughout the 3D gameplay and introducing the rail grind gameplay that was also pretty enjoyable, which is surprising for a fairly oversaturated mechanic.While I love the game, my main problem with it is that as the game progresses these seemingly expansive levels become more and more like those of the older games, as hallway platforming gameplay takes the forefront once again, creeping in more as the game progresses. Some crates also felt practically invisible to me, even on subsequent playthroughs of levels, meaning I finished Crash 4 without a feeling of completion or accomplishment. While I enjoyed the journey from beginning to end, missing just one crate on numerous occasions got really frustrating.Apart from this though, I've got nothing but praise for this game. It's an incredibly realisation of the formula of the older Crash games and holds up in the modern gaming landscape while still upholding the charm that the original trilogy had.On the Switch, the port is good. It's not fantastic but it's definitely playable, and that's okay to me. There's parts of this game that look fantastic, even on Switch, but for many levels there's a noticeable visual downgrade, one that you might notice even if you're unaware that the game exists on other platforms. On the whole it's perfectly serviceable, even if the low resolution is disappointing. This is probably the best that could've been done for a port of this game on Switch, and for that it's appreciated that the effort was put in. This is not a lazy port by any means.

Review by miniroo [user]
8 maggio 2021

Let me start this review off by saying that I think that Crash 4 is an enjoyable game, especially for casual gamers. While it doesn't have aLet me start this review off by saying that I think that Crash 4 is an enjoyable game, especially for casual gamers. While it doesn't have a truly engaging story, it has plenty of levels to enjoy that looks great, sounds great and offer a decent challenge most of the time. The levels also have fun gimmicks like slowing down time, making boxes appear/disappear on command and rail grinding sections that will make playing through the considerably long levels more enjoyable. Overall, if you only want to get through the base game without collecting everything, you have a pretty nice package here that should last you around 10-15 hours.However, if you're the type of gamer that likes to experience everything that a game has to offer, like me, then that nice little package starts to stink of **** Each level offers a lot of replay value, some good but mostly bad. You have the good, like completing time trials, collecting all crates and making it through the level without dying. Then you have the bad like collecting a set percentage of Wumpa fruit (which is not all that different than collecting all crates and feels like extra padding to artificially lengthen your play time) and finding hidden gems. What could be bad about finding hidden gems, something that normally enhances one's game experience with exploration (like Mario or the older Crash games for example)?Well it seems Toys for Bob went out of their way to make finding these gems as obnoxious as possible. While a few of these gems are genuinely well hidden with good visual cues, most are placed in spots that don't make sense or are flat out off the screen. Players with lots of patience may be able to find these gems on their own, but most will likely have to rely on a strategy guide to find them (myself included), which really hurts the experience by taking away the satisfaction of finding said gems on your own with well thought out visual cues.The last thing I want to focus on are the levels, and specifically their pacing. These levels are LONG, like I mentioned earlier, and significantly more so than the older Crash games. While this should normally be a good thing, it isn't for this game. Failing a time trial or dying more than 3 times (if you're trying to get the gem for low deaths) means having to restart a level all over, which can take 10 to 15 minutes to complete in real life. This is especially demoralizing if you run into these unfortunate circumstances near the end of a level (made worse by the long load time when you hit the restart button).In conclusion, Crash 4 is enjoyable ONLY IF you play through the base game. Trying to get `100% (or 106% for this game) quickly sours the game experience with artificial difficulty (made worse with the inverted levels, which are primarily reskins of the original level with barely noticeable changes to enemies and crate placements). I only recommend this game if you only want to play through the main story or if you really want the satisfaction of fully completing the game with the nsane 106% requirements.

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Informacje o grze
Data wydania 2 ottobre 2020
Wydawca Activision, Toys for Bob, Beenox, Activision Shanghai, Hardsuit Labs
Łączna ocena 84%
Oceniana zawartość E10+ (Everyone 10+)
Tryby gry Pojedynczy gracz
Perspektywy graczy Widok z boku, Trzecia osoba
Gatunek Platforma
Motywy Działanie, Science fiction, Fantasy, Komedia
Platformy PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S