Airheart - Tales of Broken Wings

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Airheart to samolotowa gra akcji w stylu dieselpunk, w której każdy kolorowy poziom jest zbudowany na poprzednim, aż do stratosfery. Witamy w Granarii, latającym mieście w chmurach. Poznaj Amelię - młodą pilotkę i rybaczkę pragnącą dotrzeć do obfitego krańca świata. Podniebne połowy stały się naprawdę niebezpiecznym zajęciem, a piraci grasują wszędzie. Odpal więc silniki, uzbrój swój samolot i przygotuj się na połów życia! Airheart łączy w sobie swobodną, dwuosobową rozgrywkę z pięknym, kolorowym światem. Pokonaj swoich wrogów, odzyskaj ich złom i wykorzystaj go do stworzenia nowych części do swojego samolotu. Zbuduj i wypróbuj ponad 40 broni i części samolotu. Połącz ich zdolności, aby stać się najgorszym koszmarem piratów. Lub po prostu zabaw się ze swoimi wrogami i użyj harpuna, aby ich rozbroić, rozbroić, obrócić lub przeciągnąć z powrotem do domu, aby ich zdemontować. Airheart to gra lotnicza, stworzona na nowo we wspaniałym świecie, będąca gratką zarówno dla fanów, jak i nowicjuszy w dziedzinie lotniczych gier akcji.

Airheart - Tales of Broken Wings Instrukcje aktywacji

Airheart - Tales of Broken Wings Recenzje i oceny

Review by XboxAddict
15 października 2018

Airheart is great in short bursts, but because of the lack of any save feature, the title quickly becomes unenjoyable and a pointless grind that most gamers would give up on pretty quickly unless they are an achievement hunter looking for a new title to max out on.

Review by Generación Xbox
5 września 2018

A game that has good ideas and will make us enjoy thanks to the beauty of its scenery and its great soundtrack. Sadly, the game seems repetitive and the excessive time we'll have to spend collecting makes the magic of the title in other facets disappear.

Review by TheXboxHub
4 września 2018

For some, the grind, lack of continued narrative and difficulty curve will be a little off-putting to say the least, but at the end of the day, this is a rogue-like experience that brings an original adventure and a decent challenge that will keep you going for some time.

Review by MondoXbox
3 września 2018

Airheart mixes shoot'em and roguelike mechanics with a very nice art style, but unlikely standard roguelikes it feels over-punishing when we're beaten, making us lose hours of precious progress, and it's way too easy to accidentally shoot at civilians thus being targeted by overwhelming police forces. It would benefit from some balancing.

Review by Xbox_Alive [user]
19 sierpnia 2018

The crafting system is very enjoyable you do have to grind quite a lot to get the best equipment and upgrades. When played for long periodsThe crafting system is very enjoyable you do have to grind quite a lot to get the best equipment and upgrades. When played for long periods the game does get repetetive quite quickly, so I would recommend that you only play this game in short bursts. The difficulty curve can be a little too high at times and you will no doubt get frustrated with the game every now and then. Does Airheart: Tales of Broken Wings do enough to get a recommendation from me? The biggest attraction with Airheart: Tales of Broken Wings is its wacky and unique core idea because there aren’t too many games if any at all that offer you the chance to do some skyfishing. This isn’t its only mechanic though and you’ll be surprised by how many different ideas have been thrown together and thankfully for the most part they work well together. I would however recommend that you play this game in short bursts though because it does get repetetive quite quickly and the constant grinding can make things become a little tedious. That being said for the most part I enjoyed my time with Airheart: Tales of Broken Wings and if you’re looking for a game that offers you a unique experience then you can do far worse than this game.

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Informacje o grze
Data wydania 23 lipca 2018
Wydawca Blindflug Studios
Oceniana zawartość E10+ (Everyone 10+)
Tryby gry Pojedynczy gracz
Perspektywy graczy Widok z lotu ptaka / Izometryczny
Gatunek Przygoda, Strzelec, Indie, Symulator, Arcade
Motywy Działanie
Platformy PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch