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Το Aftercharge φέρνει αόρατα ρομπότ αντιμέτωπα με μια ομάδα εξειδικευμένων εκτελεστών ασφαλείας σε ανταγωνιστικές αψιμαχίες 3v3 με γρήγορο ρυθμό


Τα ρομπότ πρέπει να σαμποτάρουν τους απορροφητήρες ενέργειας που είναι διάσπαρτοι στο χάρτη, ενώ οι εκτελεστές έχουν ως αποστολή να τα εντοπίσουν και να τα σταματήσουν.

Aftercharge Instrukcje aktywacji

Aftercharge Recenzje i oceny

Review by ImOmar [user]
11 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

A friend of mine told me about Aftercharge and I found it very different, it didn't have any aspects that are old, it was a very fresh idea.A friend of mine told me about Aftercharge and I found it very different, it didn't have any aspects that are old, it was a very fresh idea. During the beta I've participated in, I enjoyed the game so much and since the release, I've been playing this game mostly and I love it. The game is almost perfectly balanced regarding the attackers and defenders. The developers and the game's community is very friendly and welcoming on their Discord which made me love the game even more. Something which I like a lot about Chainsawesome Games is their clarity and how transparent they are. If there's an issue, or a bug, they immediately admit that they made a mistake and they try to solve it ASAP.I highly recommend this game because it is very fun and a fresh idea that I've never seen in any other game before and it has a future and possibility of becoming a big game with a lot of game modes that many people can enjoy.

Review by chriscynical [user]
11 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

aftercharge is ehm aftercharge is one of the most creative games it handle it's concept well and keeps you playing to figure out more and moreaftercharge is ehm aftercharge is one of the most creative games it handle it's concept well and keeps you playing to figure out more and more better stragray it consist of 2 sides the workonics and the enforcers workonics have the objective of destroying 6 extractors and enforcers need to defend them workonics can't fight back and enforcers can both sides have their own unique abilities to help em wokonics consist of turbo buddy bubbles cyclopse and glitch and more to come and enforcers liquaditor striker tinker huntress and builder and more to come each one with their own playstyle and different stragray which is why till now i still play aftercharge whenever i can cause even tho i am number 2# on the world i still have much more to learn you can never know all in aftercharge you always got someting to learn which is why it's so good i love aftercharge the game is an easy 10/10 from me

Review by PupCorn_ [user]
4 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

I got to know Aftercharge from a youtuber named aqua FPS the game looked fun and was only 20$ so i said **** it why not" since then I have metI got to know Aftercharge from a youtuber named aqua FPS the game looked fun and was only 20$ so i said **** it why not" since then I have met many nice people on the Aftercharge discord and have made many friends. I really enjoy the strategic gameplay and fresh take on a FPS game that Aftercharge brings, where teamplay is important all the players who say you only need to spam show that they didnt really try Aftercharge, you need team coordination and strategy to be good at the game the game is a really fun and competitve game if you actually take time dive into it.

Review by The Overpowered Noobs
30 Ιανουαρίου 2019

This squad-based tactical shooter is a fun and easy way to spend an hour, but suffers from paltry game modes, map variation, and character identity.

Review by Shacknews
19 Ιανουαρίου 2019

Aftercharge isn’t starting out perfect, but thankfully we live in an age where patches and updates continue to shape an experience well after launch. All that’s needed to grow is an interesting and polished foundation to start with and Aftercharge certainly has that with a lot of charm to boot.

Informacje o grze
Data wydania 10 Ιανουαρίου 2019
Wydawca Chainsawesome Games
Oceniana zawartość E10+ (Everyone 10+)
Tryby gry Multiplayer
Perspektywy graczy Pierwsza osoba
Gatunek Indie, Strzelec
Motywy Działanie, Stealth
Platformy PC (Microsoft Windows), Xbox One, Nintendo Switch